02. rules

Kubikino is composed of 8 groups of tiles (k, u, b, i, K, I, n, o) which occupy the square indicated in the drawing. Squares showing multiple groups can be occupied by a tile of any of those groups.

All tiles - except for column ‘C’ and square B2 - can rotate by 90° with a 50% probability.

k is the tile of the nose. It works as a single tile on two squares. It is the first to form and always starts with the animation of the ‘+’ sign

u is the eye tile and is fixed to square B2

b is the mouth tile and is fixed to square C4

I and K are the most present in the picture

i, n and o are tiles that always show symmetrical graphics and for this reason they are the only ones that can be positioned in squares C1 and C5. They can also be present in squares A1 and B3 where the graphic can appear rotated 90° with a 50% probability.


01. structure


03. composition