Generative art NFT collection by Carolina Melis + Art Blocks

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Auction Start Date: Wednesday, November 29th 2023
Start Time: 6:00 PM UTC / 7:00 PM CET
End Time: 6:30 PM UTC / 7:30 PM CET
Total Mints: 320
Drop Mechanic: Exp. Dutch Auction with Settlement
Start Price: 3 ETH
Resting Price: 0,08 ETH

Kubikino is the result of a collaboration between artist Carolina Melis and creative coder Enrico Penzo. The project is informed by notions of choreography, modular pattern composition and character design. 

Kubikino is an idiosyncratic face, made of a combination of graphical elements and colours generated by code. Using an essential library of geometries - all deriving from the circle - and primary colours, the code randomly creates new faces resembling human physiognomy, animals or traditional masks. 

Drawing upon the influential dance theories of Rudolf Laban and Merce Cunningham, Kubikino's device process for the creation of its faces is underpinned by a sophisticated framework of modular pattern composition. The project's generated output is organised into a grid-based structure, where each section corresponds to a phrase, and the relationship between the various sections collectively generates the final composition. Referencing Laban’s Movement Analysis, each section is paraphrasing LMA's four key components: body (loop), shape (direction), dynamic (colour), space (relationship within the space).

Kubikino also adopts the principles of "chance" and "structured improvisation" articulated by avant-garde pioneers John Cage and Merce Cunningham in the 1960s. The Kubikino identity is constructed from a selected array of animated graphics, rules, and paradigms that correspond to motifs, scores, and ensembles found in conventional art forms such as dance, music, or paintings.

Carolina Melis, as the creator of Kubikino, positions herself as the designer of the project's structure and operational system, rather than the final output. This approach and the significant responsibility and crucial role that AI plays in this project, challenges traditional notions of authorship and interpretation, and adds a new layer to the post-modern discussion on "the reader is the writer.”

Through the deliberate reference to a face, Kubikino prompts contemplation on the traditional notions of identity, similarity, and persona, as well as the ongoing need to establish one's own representation within a community - from traditional masks to digital avatars. For centuries, human identity has been a source of cultural fascination, with the word "identity" stemming from the Latin term "identitas," signifying both "sameness" and "oneness.” 

Inspired by Bruno Munari's "Faces", a collection of abstract portraits created using basic geometric shapes and lines, Kubikino reflects on the simplicity, playfulness, and  power of design to communicate across cultures and generations.  

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I have produced several ambient compositions that showcase Kubikino in fictitious settings. These environments manipulate space, texture, and design, deriving inspiration from the Kubikino's form and color scheme.


Kubikino is the result of my background and passion for choreography, patterns, animation and the use of chance as a compositional device.

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Kubikino began as a visual and design exercise centered around the concept of simplicity. In approaching the project, I began by focusing on the eyes, the most expressive features of the face.


"A designer is a planner with an aesthetic sense."Bruno Munari

These sketches provide a glimpse into the design process behind the creation of the Kubikino-face. By using the circle as a core shape, I aimed to create a range of shapes that could be rearranged to produce a wide variety of unique and expressive characters.

As a designer, I have been greatly influenced by the work and writings of Bruno Munari, advocate for the concepts of simplicity and functionality in design. Munari's work -"Faces" - has been a source of inspiration.


This picture is a playful arrangement that uses the design elements of Kubikino. The idea was to explore different ways of combining the elements that extend beyond the portrayal of a face. The result is an image that reminds of different types of birds, extending the connection between humans and nature.